How many visitors can handle my hosting package ?
What hosting package I need to handle 100000 visitors per day ?
We are asked these questions every day. In order to give more or less precise answer, we need to ask many of counter questions. What engine does your website use ? What plugins are installed ? How many posts/products are in database ? What is the maximum number of simultaneous visitors ? And there are questions that our client simply can’t know. For example – what is the oversell factor on the server (in case of shared hosting or VPS) ?
Since practice is the criterion of truth, we decided to create service which simulates real life workload for website. We increase load step by step and measure load time. On some point load time will start grow. It can grow long time before website becomes completely unavailable but the most interested is point when load time exceeds “conversion breaking” time. We will show you all graphs and you will see by yourself where you start losing the money.
You can order load testing for your website for only $9.99 in promo period.